If you think that budgeting and saving money is hard, think again! These days, there are so many easy ways to save a buck or two, and we’ve compiled a list of the very best:
- Start a piggy bank and save all your spare change.
- Get savvy with coupons and start clipping to save.
- Carpool to work with a friend.
- Eat a few vegetarian meals every week.
- Get a few comparative insurance quotes.
- Try having a “no spend” day.
- Check out Groupon for great deals.
- Use generic medications.
- Get the flu shot every season.
- Use a pre-paid phone.
- Buy regular use items in bulk.
- Use frequent flier miles for luxury items.
- Use loyalty points for luxury items.
- Cancel your gym membership and take up a sport.
- Signup for loyalty and cash back memberships.
- Cancel DTSV and get an apple TV.
- Install a geyser timer.
- Turn off lights and plugs not it use.
- Order tap water when out at restaurants.
- Never carry cash on you.
- Avoid going to shopping centres on the the weekend.