Financial experts suggest that everyone should check their credit reports periodically because there may be errors in them. Further, identity thieves are working extra time to steal the details of others and to commit frauds and their mischief may also cause errors in credit reports. If you do not have knowledge of these errors, you may be shocked when your loan or credit card applications are rejected.
Errors may occur if your details have not been updated also. You may have repaid a loan fully but, if this does not find a place in your credit report, you may not get your next loan.
Credit reports contain a lot of details about you. Your SSN, your present as well as past addresses, birth date, current employers, etc. may find a place in these reports. They may mainly contain the details of your present loans including credit card loans, the loans you have already repaid, mortgages, if any, and other debts that have been reported. The status of all these loans will be revealed in these credit reports.
Information pertaining to bankruptcies, judgments, criminal convictions, etc. will also find a place in credit reports. When you apply for a loan, the lender will access these records and go through them before deciding whether to extend the loan to you or not.
If you check your credit reports and review them periodically and if you find errors in them, you can dispute them so as to fix them. You have companies that can help you to check your credit records. These companies have tied up with the main three credit rating agencies and so, they are able to get the information about your credit status. They will compile all these data and provide them to you in a simple form for which they take the help of technical experts who are capable of sifting and compiling all the data made available to them.
You can order for such detailed credit reports from these companies from anywhere. You can also have round-the-clock access to these reports.